Founded in 2018 by Isabelle Kim-Sherman, Challahlujah delivers challah to members of Congregation B'nai Brith who need the comfort of Shabbat brought to their front door.
How it works
Every other month I ask my congregation's director of community engagement for a list of the names and addresses of 4-5 people who would like to receive challah. I then bake the required number of challahs and deliver them on Friday afternoons. For more information, email [email protected].
In 2017 and 2018, Southern California was hit with a series of natural disasters that impacted countless citizens. Many of those impacted were part of the Jewish community in Santa Barbara. At that same time, I was preparing for my Bat Mitzvah. For my community service project, I baked and delivered challahs to locals who had been severely impacted by these disasters. I continued this project after the crises had subsided and thus, Challahlujah was born.